Funeral Arrangements
Are you getting ready to make funeral arrangements? Heading to a funeral home to make arrangements can be an overwhelming experience. The best way to feel more at ease is to prepare yourself for the time with the arranger.
Funeral Workbook- $6.00
With my Kari the Mortician Funeral Arrangement Workbook, you’ll receive a guide to help you lay out all of the information needed by the arranger and be able to organize many of the components of the the funeral services you are arranging. Included in the workbook:
- A checklist of what is needed when you go to the funeral home for arrangements.
- A list of things for which you will need death certificates.
- Fill in the blank pages for obituary information, biographical info and places you will need death certificates for, and service information.
- Financial and arrangement tips.
Consult with a Funeral Director
Do you require more information and to talk your options through with a funeral professional who is not connected with a funeral home in your area?
Now available is a one hour phone consult, FaceTime, or Zoom with a licensed funeral director who can answer your questions regarding final disposition choices, arrangements, prearranging, and much more for only $85.00!
My transparent approach to answering questions and educating the consumer is appreciated by the families I have mentored through the process.